KV Catalyst

Catalyzing companies that are
building the Hydrogen Economy.

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private sector investment
$3 billion
satisfied companies

Hydrogen Rising

Hydrogen Is Experiencing A Virtuous Cycle Of R&D, Infrastructure
Development, Cost Reduction And Adoption


Countries with Concrete Hydrogen Strategies
$76 Billion in Public Funds Already Allocated1


Large Scale Hydrogen Projects Announced Globally2


of recent global patents published related to hydrogen fuel3

11 million tons/year

Anticipated Low Carbon Hydrogen Production by 20304


of Global Energy Demand Addressed by Hydrogen by 20505

$2.5 trillion

Anticipated Revenues Attributable to Low Carbon Hydrogen by 20506

1) Information can be viewed in more detail here
2) Information can be viewed in more detail here
3) Information can be viewed in more detail  here
4) Information can be viewed in more detail here
5) Information can be viewed in more detail here
6) Information can be viewed in more detail here
The Hydrogen Solution

Underpinned by a global shift of regulators, investors, and consumers toward decarbonization, hydrogen is receiving unprecedented interest and investments...

This momentum exists along the entire value chain and is accelerating cost reductions for hydrogen production, transmission, distribution, retail, and end applications.

Hydrogen Council and McKinsey & Co.,
February 2021

Green Hydrogen

Chemical Processes
De-sulphurization (Refinery)
Direct Reduction (Iron Ore)
Nitrogen (Fertilizer)
Tin Bath (Glass)
Photolithography (Semiconductors)
Power Generation
Hydrogenation (Food oils)
• Hydrogen Insights, “A perspective on hydrogen investment, market development and cost competitiveness.”

Key Sectors in The Hydrogen Economy

Hydrogen Production
Fuel Cells
Systems and Solutions
Storage and Supply

Hydrogen for your energy supply

A fuel cell is essentially an engine that runs on Hydrogen.  Fuel cells use the chemical energy of hydrogen to cleanly and efficiently produce electricity.  In this way, fuel cells can replace diesel and natural gas powered motors, boilers and other power producing equipment and can be used across a broad range of applications such as powering a locomotive, heating a building or providing power to a data center.

Hydrogen Production

The development and operation of plants for the specific function of hydrogen production, in either liquid or gaseous form, or the production of other hydrogen-based liquids or gases. In the case of green hydrogen, these plants are powered by low-carbon energy sources such as solar, wind or hydro and the gas or liquid produced acts as a storage carrier for that energy.

Fuel Cells

A fuel cell is essentially an engine that runs on Hydrogen.  Fuel cells use the chemical energy of hydrogen to cleanly and efficiently produce electricity.  In this way, fuel cells can replace diesel and natural gas powered motors, boilers and other power producing equipment and can be used across a broad range of applications such as powering a locomotive, heating a building or providing power to a data center.


Electrolyzers are devices used to break water into hydrogen and oxygen and function as the core of most green hydrogen production plants in development today.  Electrolyzers are usually powered by renewable energy sources and different types of electrolyzers such as Alkaline or PEM offer tradeoffs in terms of cost, space and other metrics.


Comprises companies manufacturing equipment or machines (including cars, trucks, off-road vehicles, buses, trains, planes, boats and ships) that run on hydrogen. In addition, companies re-designing manufacturing or industrial processes to replace carbon intensive fuels or feedstock with hydrogen.

Systems and Solutions

Comprises equipment, components, technology or services used in the hydrogen industry including specialized turbines and boilers as well as companies that design and produce membrane, filters, catalyst or membrane assemblies for fuel cell, or hydrogen-related, technologies.

Storage and Supply

Comprises tanks, ships and pipelines for transportation of hydrogen as well as storage and transportation services for hydrogen. It also includes companies that supply hydrogen to various users and develop and operate hydrogen fueling stations around the world.